Saturday, June 4, 2011


The confirmation class meets every Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Every single Saturday! I just would love to know how a schedule like this would go over at Southwood.

Here’s how the day goes:
  • 8-9 - An hour long lecture on the Bible.
  • 9-10 – An hour long lecture on the catechism
  • 10-11 – Cleaning the church property (they use machetes to cut the grass, and bundles of dried grass to sweep the walkways) This is supposed to last an hour, but both Saturday’s I’ve been here they work has gone on until noon.
They have the classes on Saturdays at 8 a.m. to remain consistent with the school schedule. It makes me tired just thinking of this though, every Saturday at 8 a.m. – if our students and their families didn’t rebel I’m almost positive that this pastor would.

How about it Southwood? Shall we join in solidarity with our brothers and sisters at Uswaa? Shall we shift the schedule to confirmation every Saturday, all morning long????


  1. That would be one way to decrease the size of our confirmation classes. :)

  2. Those expectations are set high for both sides. How does everyone go about their business on confirmation days? Joyfully? Are the kids happy to come?
