Thursday, July 28, 2011

Meet Sara

Some days the blog posts practically write themselves.  Today is one of those days.

This has been a long week, and its only Wednesday.  There are 4 funerals this week and three days of House to House Evangelism.  So right now the count is two funerals down, Two to go and one day of House to House done, one to go.

Today was House to House and the theme of the day was all about kids!

For starters I met Martha and her baby Calvin.  This kid was all smiles the entire time we were there.

Of course this reminded me of my own sister Martha and her smiling baby Arne. (Obviously this picture was not taken today in Tanzania, but I miss them, so they are pictured here.)

Then we met this little girl Hope, she was very attached to Pastor Mmanga, I think he was a bit enamored with her as well.  We all need a little Hope right?

Then we met these three girls who never did stop smiling and laughing for the entirety of our visit.  When we arrived at their house they were literally jumping for joy to have visitors.

Finally, the best part of the whole day was meeting this little three week old baby named Sara. 

Let me tell you how little Sara got her name.

We walked in the house and they handed me the baby.  I was sitting there holding her and I asked, "is it a girl?"  "Yes," they said.  I asked "What is her name."  Through translation Pastor Mmanga let me know that up until this point they have not given her a name. 

So Pastor Mmanga said "you should name her Sara." 

So they did.  They immediately started calling her Sara and her mother Mama Sara.

When we were leaving the old grandmother came after me and took my hands in hers and thanked me for giving her granddaughter a name.

Here is sweet sleeping Sara. 

"From now on her name will be Sarah ... I will bless her richly." Genesis 17:15-16

In the spirit of full disclosure, that particular Bible verse is totally chopped up and taken way out of context.  "So be it," says the Lord your God me.

Three cheers for a great day of House to House visiting!

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