Sunday, July 17, 2011


This is for my dad, who's first question is always "what's the weather like?"

It is cold here.

While I am here for my summer months, it is winter in Tanzania, and it is cold.

On Sunday at church, while I was sitting there shivering I was also coveting Mama Vi's leg warmers. When I got home I pulled out my knee high Nebraska socks (courtesy of Linda!) and sat on the couch with a nice hot cup of ginger tea.

Back in May, they told me that in July it would start to get warmer.  I really think they just told me that to make me happy, I don't think they believed me that I actually enjoy the cooler temperatures.  Now they are saying that come mid-August it will start to warm up again.

This morning it was raining, which is good for the farmers so I can put up with the mud that is now caked onto my shoes.  I'm a farmer's daughter, I've learned never to complain about the rain when the crops need it!

What's the weather like in Nebraska? Just kidding, I've been relishing the Facebook complaints comments from my Nebraska friends and you can picture me just laughing with joy that I am not sitting in sweat with you.  (I do miss you all - just not the humidity.)  I really am happier in cold weather.

The Tanzanians (like many Nebraskans) can't understand this about me. They keep apologizing for the cold weather, but I keep telling them I love it. They are all bundled up in winter coats and stocking hats and I'm just content with my red socks and my hot tea.

While they talk about the weather a lot they don't actually ever mentioned the temperature in numbers of degrees. If I were guessing I would say that its about 50-60 at night and then 60 to 80 during the day.

In other words, perfect.

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