Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today was just an exceptional day here at Uswaa.  Kilimanjaro showed her face for most of the day, the connections with people here are deepening, after a class with the Uswaa women on our role as care-givers I feel like I have something to offer and a routine is settling in for my life in this place.

So that's my news.  What's yours?

Getting the news from back home is somewhat random.  I'm not on the internet very much, when I am it is slow.  So most of the news is from the few brief headlines as my yahoo mail is loading, the things that people are posting on Facebook or bits and pieces from emails.  My mom wrote last week to tell me about the Missouri tornadoes.  I saw someone had posted about flooding in ND, but I know nothing more than that.  I guess I do know other "important" things like Ohio State's football coach resigned (thank you John) and the Twins are still in the gutter (thank you Ed.)

Now, I am just perusing Facebook and finding out that the LPS offices were burned.  What devastating news.  When I read things like this I feel completely disconnected to my real life.  I am thinking about all my teacher type friends and praying for those who will spend the summer sorting things out.

I guess when these are the heavy things of the day, the best news of all was the all too brief phone call with Benjamin (who just turned five) who reported that he did not like the present I sent him, he loved it!

News ... good or bad, keep me posted!

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