Thursday, June 9, 2011

In Thee is Gladness

You may remember a post from my first week in Tanzania about the beautiful Eli, Uswaa's parish worker.  This is Eli and her daughter Hilda. Eli's name is actually Eliasimba, which means God is Rich.

This is Eli's son, Eligard. His name means "God's Protection."

This is Mama Kweka, the woman who we are staying with. Her first name is long and I cannot even pronounce it, but it means "goodness and mercy." Here she pictured with Eli's daughter Gladness.

In Thee is gladness
Amid all sadness,
Jesus, sunshine of my heart.
By Thee are given
The gifts of heaven,
Thou the true Redeemer art.
Our souls Thou wakest,
Our bonds Thou breakest;
Who trusts Thee surely
Has built securely;
He stands forever: Alleluia!
Our hearts are pining
To see Thy shining,
Dying or living
To Thee are cleaving;
Naught can us sever: Alleluia!

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