I had a few during the night last night, but it was this morning that I was noticing how encouraging these particular cough drops are. Do you know how the Dove Chocolates give you a message inside the wrapper? Well, Halls must have lifted this idea because their wrappers give you a "pep talk."
Each wrapper has a series of encouraging messages on it that must be meant to lift the sick and coughing soul. Here are a few examples that have had me laughing:
- Hi-five yourself.
- Flex your "can do" muscle.
- Bet on yourself.
- Put your game face on.
- Fire up those engines.
- Be resilient.
- Don't give up on yourself.
Each time I get out a cough drop I say to myself (or John) - "time for a pep talk" (I know, I crack myself up!) But the wrapper actually says "a pep talk in every drop."
Even more fun has been explaining this humor to Pastor Mmanga and Pastor Shao. First explaining what a pep talk is, then a hi-five, then a "game face." I love it!
I use American slang so often and then I see the looks on their faces and I have to think about what I said and then go back and explain it. I remember two years ago when we were explaining the phrase "kinda" to our driver. Yesterday I was trying to explain "bummer."
So its kind of a bummer that I have a cough, but I am going to fire up my engines and keep plugging away!
My favorite slang that I can't seem to break myself of is, "a whole nother...". I cringe every time I hear myself say it, but I can't seem to give it up. Love that I can hear your humor even this far away.